Sunday, February 21, 2010

He's home!

About an hour ago, we returned home with our little man-man. After paying an exorbitant bill (yikes), we got to see him; and let me tell you, our expectations were well exceeded. He came in the exam room on a leash with a blue sling under his rear (pictures to come) and was so super excited to see us that he was wagging his tail, lowering his head, and trying to jump all over us. He was bright-eyed, bushy-tailed and not out of it at all. We were thrilled to see his normal, happy-go-lucky self coming at us--we'd missed him so! Except for the shaved rear end and stitches, you'd never know he'd had fact, we brought him home and he tried to run and jump throughout the back yard! We're really gonna have to keep an eye on him to keep him from doing too much too soon.

Our marching orders are:
1. Give him two types of pain medications/anti-inflammatories every day.
2. Only let him out to go to the bathroom, and always on the leash.
3. Keep the cone of shame on him whenever he's unsupervised.
4. Do daily massages of the hip and leg area.
5. For the next two days, apply ice packs to the wounds twice daily--then apply heat for a week after that.
6. Come back on Monday, March 1st, to get the sutures removed.

We are up for the challenge. Right now, Otis is sleeping in his crate...and when he wakes up, we'll feed him, ice his wounds and give him a massage (and I'll take some photos). I'll be posting them soon.

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