Thursday, November 8, 2012

Brief check in

Otis is still doing amazingly well. He almost caught a fawn the other day. And a bunny the day before that. He's moving so well it's as if he never had surgery. I couldn't be happier! 

He's still getting himself into trouble. The other day at the park he got "attacked" by another dog and broke his canine tooth. Silly dog is always costing us money. :-) But otherwise, he's perfect. 

Below are a couple of photos of him with our daughter. She loves him a bit more than he loves her right now...though he does love "cleaning" up after her meals. If she drops anything, he's there. And he licks her hands and face clean when she's messy. Which is always, of course. 

I hope this blog helps someone out there dealing with this issue. Feel free to comment--it will always trigger a response from me, even if it's been awhile!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

A new addition! otis is a big brother!

Well, we have added a new baby to the household. She is perfect, and just enhances our already perfect family. :-) It's definitely tough to be a mom--I don't think I can think straight just yet! I'm glad I have excellent parental leave because trying to do research right now or teach a bunch of college kids would be a tough row to hoe.

Anyhow--on the Otis front, he's fabulous. Last fall he got a bit hefty and started to limp--the vet came out and observed him, and told us that he needed to lose about 10 pounds. A couple months later (and 8 pounds down) and he's good as new. Jumping high in the air, running around like crazy. He's great. In fact, he likes to run into the stream next to the house and get muddy--so we have to bring him to the lake to rinse off. Even when it's freezing outside! We just had him at the lake and he cut his foot on a zebra mussel. Awesome. Comedy of errors, that one.

How does he like the little one? He's not sure exactly what to think. But he licks the milk off of her face and lays next to her during tummy time. We think they'll be the best of friends. Don't you?